An anagram
of a sentence is another sentence formed by rearranging all the letters in the original
sentence. Aros Magic Ana!Banana finds
all potential anagrams of a sentence in a dictionary. You supply the sentence and
the dictionary -- in any language supported in Unicode.

Download for Windows (187 KB)
Download for 64-bit Windows (273 KB)
Use Instructions
- To install Aros Magic Ana!Banana, just copy it anywhere
on your computer. Launch it by double clicking on it.
- It will prompt you for a dictionary. It must be in ASCII
or Unicode format. You can find many on the internet, e.g.,
Puzzler's WordLists and
OpenOffice Dictionaries.
- Upon successful load of a dictionary file, all the letters
found in it are displayed in the text box.
- Enter a sentence, word or phrase in the text box. Maximum
256 characters are supported.
- Press the Start button to begin search. Anagrams are displayed in the list
as they are found.
- You can pause the search by clicking on the Stop button. Clicking on the
Start button resumes the search.
- The search results can be saved to a file or copied to
clipboard at anytime.
User Interface Languages
中文, Deutsch, Dansk, English, Español,
Français, Ελληνικά, עברית,हिन्दी,
Italiano, 日本語, 한국어,
Nederlands, Norsk, Português, Русская,
Suomi, Svensk, ไทย.
This software comes with no technical support. But you may
try obtaining it in English by e-mailing: